
Customizable Toolbar

To set up the toolbar, navigate to Project Settings / [Editor] Custom Toolbar.

Here, you can easily add/remove new items to the toolbars.

C# Attributes for draw Gizmo in scene 

List of custom C# Attributes allowing you to display different variables as a gizmo in the scene view.
NOTE : Gizmo rotation is based on the object Transform.Forward.

How to Enable

To enable Custom Gizmos in Scene, enable - [Dropdown] Gizmo Attribute - in the Custom Toolbar.
This will activate the Custom Gizmos section in the Unity Toolbar, offering several options.

In this Dropdown, choose to always display all Gizmos or only those of the selected object.

In this Dropdown, choose to display Gizmos and variables Value or only Gizmos.

How to Use

All parameters are optional:

Note:  all directions are based on object Transform.Forward.

Note : the direction in the example is equal to Vector3(0,1,-1).

Different Type







Note:  Attributes refer to the first variable after them, all work with int or float types, except [DrawPoints] which needs a Vector3[].

C# Attributes for foldout variables

Simplify your inspector interface by organizing variables with a custom attribute.
Create order and enhance understanding of object properties in your project.

All the parameters are optional :

Note: Starting a new [Foldout] group without closing the previous one will closes it automatically.
Note : any variables left out of a [Foldout] group are normally displayed in the inspector after all folders.

Enhanced Scene View Object Selection

When you have several overlapping objects, simplify the selection by pressing CTRL + Right-click. A menu will open with all the objects close to the mouse. Here you can filter and select the desired object.

CTRL + Right-click : will open nearest object panel.

Component Icons in Hierarchy Tree

Quickly view the components present in all GameObjects in your scene.