.Tapp Editor Enhancer


Unity plugin developed over time to add functions to the Unity editor and optimize the development workflow.
Refer to the documentation for complete instructions.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at tappstudio.games@gmail.com if you encounter any problems.


Customizable Toolbar

Personalize your development experience with a flexible and customizable toolbar, allowing quick access to your most frequently used actions directly from the editor.

C# Attributes for draw Gizmo in scene 

Custom attributes to draw variables in the scene view.
Refer to the Documentation for instructions.

C# Attributes for foldout variables 

Simplify your inspector interface by organizing variables with a custom attribute.

Enhanced Scene View Object Selection 

Improve your efficiency with a more powerful object selection in the scene.
It simplifies selecting what you need when you have multiple overlapping objects.

 Component Icons in Hierarchy Tree

Make the hierarchy tree more informative by adding custom icons for object components. 

Quickly identify key elements within your project hierarchy.

Get it on Unity Asset Store!